This document comes from the Senior Staff and Church Council and seeks to address frequently asked questions that have been asked by Garber Church members concerning the Wednesday, October 5 Called Church Conference Vote on disaffiliation of Garber from the United Methodist Church.
This document is not meant to stand on its own, but instead seeks to address primarily what one should expect on the Church Conference vote day of October 5. We encourage all Professing Church Members who are interested in participating in this Church Vote on Disaffiliation to view the materials available regarding this matter at our church webpage:
If you are unable to access this website, please contact the church office and we are happy to make
arrangements for you to view these materials at the church office, or provide printed copies to you as needed.
What can I expect on the day of the vote – October 5 at 6:30 pm?
The vote on October 5th is run by, and has been scheduled by, our District Superintendent, not Garber Church.
Unlike what you may experience on a national election day, this is not a pop in/pop out vote. This is a “Called Church Conference” with processes given to us by the United Methodist Church. Garber must follow the process and cannot change or adjust the order of the day or how ballots are distributed or collected.
Professing members are permitted to enter Morris Hall to vote; if there is room,
interested constituents/non-members will be allowed to sit around the edges or in a video connected classroom area.
Again, only full members will be allowed to vote. Membership will be checked at the door prior to admission and in order to receive a ballot. Please plan to arrive one hour early; check-in will begin at 5:30pm, the meeting will convene at 6:30pm.
We cannot guarantee any late entry. Childcare will be provided.
We emphasize — please plan to be on campus at least an hour prior to the voting process.
How does the vote work?
The NC Conference will provide an official to help oversee the church-wide vote. The vote requires 2/3 or more of the votes cast on October 5 to affirm disaffiliation. Ballots will be tabulated immediately by the recording secretary and the District Superintendent; the results will be announced in the room. We cannot adjust membership status on the day of the vote.
How do I know if I'm a professing member?
Those who joined Garber via transfer, profession of faith, or confirmation are considered professing members.
We cannot adjust membership status on the day of the vote, so please confirm with the church office
( or 252-637-4022) if you are unsure.
What exactly are we voting on?
At least two-thirds (2/3) of the professing members present at a church conference of the Local Church must vote,
via Church Conference and written ballot, to disaffiliate from The United Methodist Church (UMC) “for reasons of conscience regarding a change in the requirements and provisions of the Book of Discipline related to the practice of homosexuality or the ordination or marriage of self-avowed practicing homosexuals as resolved and adopted by the 2019 General Conference, or the actions or inactions of its annual conference related to these issues which follow.”
Unfortunately, this is the only allowable language and means under formal dictum from the UMC by which we can seek disaffiliation. While matters relating to human sexuality are the presenting issue, what it reveals are deep fissures relating to Sacred Church Doctrine which are being openly challenged by Bishops, Pastors, and leaders of the UMC.
The Garber Church Administrative Council, our governing body, unanimously recommended to disaffiliate from the UMC for reasons including the UMC’s failure to discipline Bishops and other Church Leaders within the UMC for teaching and promoting openly heretical teachings including denouncing the sinlessness and divinity of Christ, and challenging doctrine such as the Trinity itself. These teachings are contrary to the vows taken at Ordination of said leaders.