Discipleship for Adults

We offer opportunities for adults of all ages and stations in life to explore farther,  

higher and deeper in their faith in order to be like Christ.

Whether you are a guest or a long-time member of Garber Church, 

we would like you to get plugged in to one of our disciple groups throughout the week. 

If we want to be like Jesus, we need to know what Jesus did! 

Join us on this continuing, exciting, and challenging journey! 

For more information on any of our adult classes, email Mary Coleman:  mcoleman@garberchurch.org

Sunday School and Other Adult Study Opportunities

We encourage everyone to commit to joining a Sunday School class! 

There are so many reasons to do so! 

First, you learn wonderful things about our Savior, his life, his teachings, the church, and our mission as His people. 

Secondly, it is what we do as a member of the church! Thirdly, it sets a wonderful lifestyle example for those who are watching — 

our children, our neighbors, our relatives, our business associates and co-workers. Lastly, it is a group to which we belong that holds us accountable, that provides support in times of need, and fosters fellowship and friendship.

Meet Our Adult Sunday School Classes

We have many fabulous Adult Sunday School Classes at Garber! 

Below is a very brief description written by the leaders of each class:

Agape Class: a class intentional about Bible study! This group of mature adults is excited about their faith and learning more about how to deepen their knowledge. Attendance is excellent! (Wesley Room, Sanctuary Campus)

BASIC Class (Brothers and Sisters In Christ): We are a group of 40/50/60 somethings that support each other on their faith journey, as well as in life. We study a variety of topics to deepen our faith and discover how God wants to use us in daily issues of faith, family, and fellowship. (Room 301,  Ministry Center)

Fusion Class: an inter-generational class that will intentionally focus on the study of God’s word, bible lessons, and their application in the body of Christ of all ages and walks of life. (Big Room, Sanctuary Campus) 

JAM Class (Jesus and Me): Young adults with elementary and middle school aged kids who are excited about the Lord, studying the Scripture and applying it to their everyday living. (Room 310, Ministry Center)

Motley Class: Our “all ladies” class is vivacious and alive! We welcome all ages to join us as we eagerly learn and share our faith and our life experiences. By the way, we have a good time doing all this! (Room 223, Ministry Center) 

Salt & Light Class: This group of believers in their 20s/30s/40s is diving into the Word, developing a strong Christian community and looking for opportunities to serve & share the love of Christ with others. (Room 312, Ministry Center)

TIE Class (Together in Everything): an inter-generational class who seek to follow Christ more closely as we learn more about His word. Our class lessons are Bible based and interactive. (Room 215, Ministry Center)

Wesley Class: We have a class of 15-20 adults that use N. T. Wright study guides for study of the New Testament books. We utilize discussion-style format and really delve into the Word! (Room 222, Ministry Center) 

All Adult Sunday School Classes meet at 9:30am

Other Adult Opportunities

Jane Crayton Bible Study

Leader: Cindy Sherratt

Date/Time: Mondays at 10:00am

Place: Room 223


Bible Study with Dru Eckberg

Leader: Dru Eckberg

Date/Time: Mondays at 10:00am

Location: Room 215


Monday Morning Ladies Bible Study

Leader: Carole Stokes & Nancy Adkins

Date/Time: Mondays 10:00-11:30am

Coffee Fellowship prior to study at 9:30am

Place: Room 222


Tuesday Morning Men’s Bible Study

Leader: Dan Atha, Jimmy Jones and Josh McCollum

Date/Time: Every Tuesday at 7:00am

Place: Room 123


Bible Study with Becky Clement

Leader: Becky Clement

Date/Time: Tuesdays 10:00am

Place: Room 215


Gardner Fellowship Circle

Leader: Rotating Teaching

Date/Time: First Tuesday of each month at 10:30am

Place: Room 307

Harrison Circle

Leader: Peggy Rollins

Date/Time: 3rd Thursday of each month from 1:00-2:30pm

Place: Room 222

Working Girls Bible Study

Leader: Lynn Cayton

Date/Time: 1st Monday of each month beginning at 5:30pm (dinner provided)

Place: home of Lynn Cayton